Saturday, May 03, 2008

I think sometimes i tend to overreact about the minor incidents, over think about the littlest actions.

Simply put, i think too much. I can't help it. When things happen, i will question beyond just why and how did it happen. I will think about the possible causes and the effects produced thereafter. Why did it happen that way instead of another. What can i interpret from the incident which just unfolded. Any hidden messages somewhere along the line, and stuffs like that.

Don't worry about me guys, things may not turn out to be as bad for me as you think.



The Nut Within the Shell 101:

Fact #87:

Don't ask how or why i'm deciding to post this for this entry.

-PSLE Results 2001-

English: A
Maths: A
Science: A
Mother Tongue (CL): B (Quite possibly the highest i ever got for my mother tongue. How i got a B here is still a complete mystery to me.)

Average Aggregate: 215
